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北京师范大学地理科学学部[成果]地理科学学部傅伯杰院士团队在《Nature Reviews Earth & Environment》发文阐明中国旱区生态系统变化、驱动机制及影响(图)

近日,兰州大学西部环境教育部重点实验室陈发虎院士团队在地学顶级期刊Earth-Science Reviews发表题为“Westerlies Asia and monsoonal Asia: Spatiotemporal differences in climatechange and possible mechanisms on decadal to sub-orbital timescales”...

兰州大学资源环境学院青年教师黄伟论文获得《Science China: Earth Sciences》2017年热点论文奖(图)
兰州大学资源环境学院 青年教师 黄伟 论文 Science China: Earth Sciences 2017年 热点论文奖
近日,《中国科学:地球科学》第十一届编委会第一次会议召开,会议遵循科学计量指标定量评价与同行专家定性评审相结合的原则,从每个学科中仅遴选出1篇“热点论文”。兰州大学资源环境学院西部环境教育部重点实验室青年教师黄伟和陈发虎院士等在2015年发表的题为“Definition of the core zone of the “westerlies-dominated climatic regime”, ...

西南交通大学地学学院王玉峰博士后等在国际著名地学类(Nature Index)期刊JGR-Solid Earth上发表学术论文(图)
西南交通大学地学学院 王玉峰 博士后 国际著名地学类
高速远程滑坡(rock avalanches;sturzstorms)作为具有极端破坏力的地质灾害现象,最显著的特征表现在具有巨大的体积(一般在数百万方以上,可达几千万方、几亿方、十几亿方甚至几十亿方、上百亿方)、超常的高速度(迄今为止,已知两个高速远程滑坡的最大速度分别达213 m/s和278 m/s)、难以预料的超常滑距(最大水平滑距Lmax是最大垂直落差Hmax的30倍,甚至更大;滑程可达几...
兰州大学资源环境学院李育教授研究组在地学顶级期刊Earth-Science Reviews发表研究论文
兰州大学资源环境学院 李育教授 地学 顶级期刊 Earth-Science Reviews 研究论文
近日,资源环境学院李育教授及其科研团队在Earth-Science Reviews在线发表了题为“A new assessment of modern climate change, China—An approach based on paleo-climate”的重要研究成果。该研究受到国家自然科学基金项目(41371009,41571178)和兰州大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(lz...
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所匡文慧等自主研发的城市地表热环境生态调控模型(EcoCity)论文在Science China Earth Sciences发表
中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 城市 地表热 环境生态
在国家自然科学基金重大项目(41590842)和面上项目(41371408)等的资助下,基于城市区位论、城市景观原理和地表辐射能量平衡理论,构建了城市建成区、功能区、不透水地表和绿地覆盖、建筑材质等级地表结构体系,开展了城市不同下垫面地表温度、空气温度、比辐射率、向下短波、反照率、向上/向下长波、潜热、显热和土壤热通量等10个以上参数Landsat TM/MODIS遥感地面同步观测实验,对地表结构...
第四届地球与环境科学国际会议(4th Annual International Conference on Earth and Environmental Sciences)
第四届 地球 环境科学 国际会议
Please note that all our conferences are non-thematic as explained in our policy (click here). However, academic members and friends can take the lead to organize and chair a panel/session as part of ...

Professor Scott Fendorf,Stanford School of Earth Energy & Environmental Sciences(图)
Professor Scott Fendorf Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences

Associate Professor Kevin Boyce,Stanford School of Earth Energy & Environmental Sciences(图)
Associate Professor Kevin Boyce Stanford School of Earth Energy & Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor Kevin Boyce,Stanford School of Earth Energy & Environmental Sciences,Education:Ph.D., Harvard University, Organismic & Evolutionary Biology (2001),B.S., California Institute of Tec...
Earth to data: Making sense of environmental observations
Earth to data environmental observations
As with the proverbial canary in the coal mine, birds serve as an indicator of the health of our environment. Many common species have experienced significant population declines within the last 40 ye...

Professor Riha, Susan ,The Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University(图)
Professor Riha, Susan The Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences at Cornell University physical environment

NSF awards grants for four new critical zone observatories to study Earth surface processes(图)
living environment zone
The region between the top of the forest canopy and the base of weathered rock: our living environment and Earth's critical zone.
A Revised Fair Plan to Safeguard Earth’s Climate
Climate Change Global Warming Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Mitigation
In our original study we crafted trajectories for developed and developing countries that phased-out greenhouse gas emissions during 2015-2065 such that the maximum global warming does not exceed the ...
A Fair Plan to Safeguard Earth’s Climate
Climate Change Global Warming Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Mitigation
A maximum global-mean warming of 2°C above preindustrial temperatures has been adopted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to “prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference wit...
Background Solar Irradiance and the Climate of the Earth in the End of the 20th Century
Climate Solar Irradiance
The possible response of global climate to the changes of background radiation derived from satellite measurement during 1983-2001 is analyzed. Estimation is made by means of one-dimensional energy-ba...