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鲁东大学赵英教授被聘为中科院JCR一区TOP期刊Soil & Tillage Research编委(图)
鲁东大学 赵英 教授 中科院 JCR一区 TOP期刊 Soil & Tillage Research 编委 土壤物理 生态水文
日前,我校资源与环境工程学院赵英教授被聘为Soil & Tillage Research编委(Associate Editor)。Soil & Tillage Research为农林与土壤领域的顶级学术刊物(中科院JCR一区TOP期刊,影响因子:4.675),主要出版土壤各研究领域的突出成果、综述、评论及创新理念等。新一届Soil & Tillage Research编委会由39人组成,其中中国大...

鲁东大学资源与环境工程学院赵英教授担任中科院JCR一区TOP期刊Soil & Tillage Research编委(图)
鲁东大学资源与环境工程学院 赵英 中科院 JCR一区TOP期刊 Soil & Tillage Research 土壤物理 生态水文领域
近日,我院赵英教授被聘为Soil & Tillage Research编委(Associate Editor)。Soil & Tillage Research为农林与土壤领域的顶级学术刊物(中科院JCR一区TOP期刊,影响因子:4.675),主要出版土壤各研究领域的突出成果、综述、评论及创新理念等。新一届Soil & Tillage Research编委会由39人组成,其中中国大陆学者仅有2人。

2017年全国“土壤物理学与水土资源可持续利用学术研讨会”暨International Workshop of Soil Physics and the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems在沈阳召开(图)
2017年 土壤物理学 水土资源 可持续利用 学术研讨会 沈阳
2017年8月3-6日,由中国土壤学会土壤物理专业委员会主办,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所、中国科学院污染生态与环境工程重点实验室、沈阳农业大学、辽宁省农业科学院、沈阳大学、辽宁省土壤学会、沈阳农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站联合承办的“土壤物理学与水土资源可持续利用学术研讨会”暨International Workshop of Soil Physics and the Nexus of ...
“土壤物理学与水土资源利用学术研讨会”暨International Workshop of Soil Physics and the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water
土壤物理学与水土资源利用 研讨会

中国科学院南京土壤研究所彭新华研究员受聘担任国际著名土壤学期刊《Soil&Tillage Research》主编(Editor-in-Chief)(图)
中国科学院南京土壤研究所 研究员 《Soil&Tillage Research》主编
日前,中国科学院南京土壤研究所彭新华研究员受全球最大的学术出版社Elsevier的聘请,担任国际著名土壤学期刊《Soil & Tillage Research》主编(Editor-in-Chief)。彭新华研究员于2003年获得中国科学院南京土壤研究所土壤学博士学位,随后留学德国和爱尔兰,在马普学会、DFG和欧盟项目资助下从事博士后研究工作, 2009年年底受聘于中科院"百人计划"和"引进国外杰出...
Using Basalt Flour and Brown Algae to Improve Biological Properties of Soil Contaminated with Cadmium
cadmium fertilizing substances microorganisms
In order to achieve homeostasis of soil, the potential of alleviating substances (two innovative: basalt flour and
brown algae extract against two classic compounds: barley straw and compost) were a...
Long-term influence of applied amphibolite powder on the chemistry of soil supporting Norway spruce plantation
soil mountains acidification soil chemistry
The article assesses the effects of amphibolite applied to the planting holes of spruces on the soil
chemistry. The sampling was conducted fourteen growth seasons after the establishment of the expe...
HYPRESCZ - database of soil hydrophysical properties in the Czech Republic
HYPRES pedotransfer functions soil water retention curve
The database of soil hydrophysical properties in the Czech Republic called HYPRESCZ was created. It is based on the European database HYPRES, HYdraulic PRoperties of European Soils, and follows its st...
On parameterization of heat conduction in coupled soil water and heat flow modelling
advective heat flux dual-permeability model preferential flow soil heat transport soil thermal conductivity surface energy balance
Soil water and heat transport plays an important role in various hydrologic, agricultural, and industrial applications. Accordingly, an increasing attention is paid to relevant simulation models. In t...
Surface runoff simulation to mitigate the impact of soil erosion, case study of Třebsín (Czech Republic)
hydrological model shear stress shear velocity soil loss
The relation between soil erosion and its redistribution on land strictly depends on the process of surface runoff formation during intensive rainfall. Therefore, interrupting and reducing continuous ...
Actual evapotranspiration from partially tile-drained fields as influenced by soil properties, terrain and crop
actual evapotranspiration Bowen ratio Cambisol cereals discharge zone energy balance grassland oil rape recharge zone soil physical properties Stagnosol tile drainage transient zone
Physical properties of soils have a significant influence on their water regime and should be considered when selecting suitable agricultural crops for particular sites, taking into account the crop p...
Comparison of two sensors ECH2O EC-5 and SM200 for measuring soil water content
bulk density CaCO3 ECH20 soil moisture sensor EC-5 fraction of sand particles SM200 sensor soil and soil water salinity soils of the Czech Republic soil water content
The goal of this study was calibration of the ECH20 soil moisture sensor EC-5 and the sensor SM200 for selected soils of the Czech Republic. Based on the soil maps of the Czech Republic and various cl...
Effect of different levels of humic acids on the nutrient content, plant growth, and soil properties under conditions of salinity
humic acids nutrient content plant growth salinity soil properties
In this study, the effects were investigated of salinity, foliar and soil applications of humic substances on the growth and mineral nutrients uptake of Corn (Hagein, Fardy10), and the comparison was ...
Humus content and quality under different soil tillage systems
soil humic substances tillage regimes UV-VIS and SFS spectroscopy
The main objective of our study was to compare the contents and quality of humic substances in selected soil types under different tillage regimes (deep, reduced, minimum). Non destructive spectroscop...
Tracer experiments within composite soil column investigated by MRI
Cambisol infiltration laboratory experiments magnetic resonance imaging porous medium preferential flow sand soil samples tracer velocity field
The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique was used for the visualisation and interpretation of flow paths. A set of tracer-infiltration experiments was performed on soil columns filled with packe...