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采用CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//M06-2X/cc-pVDZ方法研究了RCHOO(R=H,CH3)+NO2反应的微观机理,并讨论了甲基取代对反应活性的影响.结果表明,该反应存在加成-分解、氧化-氢转移和直接抽氢3类反应机理,其中氧化-氢转移反应的主要产物为RCO+HNO3,表观活化能仅为40.51 kJ/mol,且释放出235.04 kJ/mol的能量,是反应的优势通道;而生成RCH...
有机化学 N2O5 六硝基六氮杂异伍茲烷 绿色合成 2,6,8,12-四乙酰基-2,4,6,8,10,12-六氮杂四环-[5,5,0,03,11,05,9]十二烷 炸药
以2,6,8,12-四乙酰基-2,4,6,8,10,12-六氮杂四环-[5,5,0,03,11,05,9]十二烷(TAIW)为原料,采用N2O5HNO3为硝化剂硝解TAIW制备六硝基六氮杂异伍茲烷(CL-20)。通过系统研究N2O5/HNO3硝解TAIW的加料方式、温度、料比、反应时间、稀释用水量等因素对反应收率和纯度的影响,找出了最佳反应条件:反应温度60~80℃,反应时间7 h, m(TAIW...
硝酸气体 亚硝酸气体 氨气
研究PM2.5中NO3-、NO2-、NH4+及其气态前体物HNO3、HNO2、NH3的浓度特征和气-粒平衡关系,对深入认识PM2.5的来源及控制因素具有重要意义.因此,本文利用2012年6—7月在青岛采集的denuder和PM2.5大气样品,分析了其中气态和颗粒态氮组分的浓度.结果发现,青岛大气中HNO3、HNO2和NH3浓度分别为(0.80±0.79) μg·m-3、(0.49±0.59) μg...
改性活性炭 Pb2+ 吸附 官能团
采用回流蒸煮、微波焙烧的方法改性活性炭,通过Boehm滴定法、TG和FT-IR分析了改性前后活性炭表面官能团的变化情况。Boehm滴定表明:改性活性炭的总酸度、羧基、内酯基皆有增加;TG曲线中的多个失重峰说明了改性活性炭表面含氧基团的增加;FT-IR谱图上500~720 cm-1范围内新峰的出现说明了改性活性炭表面增加了S—S、C—S键。研究结果表明:在Pb2+浓度1 mg/L、吸附时间2 h、温...
阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)能够控制金属镍在0.5 mol•L-1 HNO3/0.005 mol•L-1 Cl-/H2O溶液中的电流振荡行为. 在电流振荡过程中, 镍电极微分电容和电导等均出现明显的振荡特性. 随着SDS浓度的增大, 镍表面微分电容和溶液电导振幅等值均逐渐减小. 并且对SDS在镍电流振荡和钝化过程中的作用原理给予解释.
3,3-二硝基氮杂环丁烷(DNAZ) 中间产物 晶体结构 量子化学计算 热稳定性
钝感高能炸药1,3,3-三硝基氮杂环丁烷(TNAZ)可由3,3-二硝基氮杂环丁烷(DNAZ)进行合成. 在合成DNAZ的过程中, 得到了中间产物N-叔丁基-3,3-二硝基氮杂环丁烷硝酸盐(TDNAZ·HNO3)和3,3-二硝基氮杂环丁烷盐酸盐(DNAZ·HCl). 培养了二者的单晶, 并通过X射线单晶结构分析法测定了它们的晶体结构. TDNAZ·HNO3属于正交晶系, Pnma空间群, 晶胞参数a...
Observations of NOx, $§igma$PNs, $§igma$ANs, and HNO3 at a Rural Site in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains: summertime diurnal cycles
NOx HNO3 California Sierra Nevada Mountains summertime diurnal cycles
Observations of NO, NO2, total peroxy nitrates (ΣPNs), total alkyl nitrates (ΣANs), HNO3, CO, O3, and meteorological parameters were obtained from October 2000 through February 2002 at 1315 m a.s.l., ...
MIPAS reduced spectral resolution UTLS-1 mode measurements of temperature,O3,HNO3,N2O,H2O and relative humidity over ice:retrievals and comparison to MLS
MIPAS reduced spectral resolution UTLS-1 mode measurements temperature O3 HNO3 N2O H2O MLS
During several periods since 2005 the Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) on Envisat has performed observations dedicated to the region of the upper troposphere/lower str...
Retrieval of temperature,H2O,O3,HNO3,CH4,N2O,ClONO2 and ClO from MIPAS reduced resolution nominal mode limb emission measurements
Retrieval temperature H2O O3 HNO3 CH4 N2O ClONO2 ClO MIPAS reduced resolution
Retrievals of temperature, H2O, O3, HNO3, CH4, N2O, ClONO2 and ClO from MIPAS reduced spectral resolution nominal mode limb emission measurements outperform retrievals from respective full spectral re...
Uptake of HNO3 to deliquescent sea-salt particles: a study using the short-lived radioactive isotope tracer 13N
HNO3 deliquescent sea-salt particles short-lived radioactive isotope tracer 13N
The uptake of HNO3 to deliquescent airborne sea-salt particles (RH = 55%, P = 760 torr, T = 300 K) at concentrations from 2 to 575 ppbv is measured in an aerosol flow tube using 13N as a tracer. Small...
Atmospheric measurements of gas-phase HNO3 and SO2 using chemical ionization mass spectrometry during the MINATROC field campaign 2000 on Monte Cimone
Atmospheric measurements gas-phase HNO3 chemical ionization mass spectrometry MINATROC field Monte Cimone
The EU-project MINATROC (MINeral dust And TROpospheric Chemistry) aims at enabling an estimation of the influence of mineral dust, a major, but to date largely ignored component of tropospheric aeroso...
动力学 H2C2O4 电解 
Gas-particle interactions above a Dutch heathland: III. Modelling the influence of the NH3-HNO3-NH4NO3 equilibrium on size-segregated particle fluxes
Gas-particle interactions Dutch heathland NH3-HNO3-NH4NO3 equilibrium particle fluxes
Micrometeorological measurements of size-segregated particle number fluxes above Dutch heathlands and forests have repeatedly shown simultaneous apparent emission of particles with a diameter (Dp)<0.1...
Gas-particle interactions above a Dutch heathland:I. Surface exchange fluxes of NH3, SO2, HNO3 and HCl
Gas-particle interactions Dutch heathland NH3 SO2 HNO3
A field measurement campaign was carried out over a Dutch heathland to investigate the effect of gas-to-particle conversion and ammonium aerosol evaporation on surface/atmosphere fluxes of ammonia and...
Growth of upper tropospheric aerosols due to uptake of HNO3
upper tropospheric aerosols HNO3
The effect of nitric acid on the equilibrium size distributions of upper tropospheric aerosols is calculated as a function of relative humidity. It is shown that HNO3 concentrations above a few tenths...